Saturday, February 5, 2011

Crab, Mango & Avocado Salad with Citrus Dressing

3 TBSP orange juice
1 TBSP fresh lime juice
1 TBSP honey
1 tsp grated orange peel

3 TBSP olive oil
1/2 red onion, sliced paper thin
1 lb. fresh lump crabmeat
1 large mango (15-16 oz), peeled, pitted, cubed
Boston Lettuce / or hears of romaine lettuce

I.  Combine first 4 ingredients in a small bowl.  Whisk in oil; season with salt & pepper.
Mix in onion, and let marinate for at least 15 minutes.

II.  Combine crabmeat, mango and avocado in a large bowl.  Gently mix in the dressing.  Overlap ends of 3 lettuce leaves in center of each plate forming a bowl.  Mound salad in lettuce bowls and serve.

Tulip Cake 蘿蔔糕

蘿蔔     5lb
粘米粉 1lb  (1)
臘腸     2
蝦米     半碗

片糖 (brown sugar) 2/3 (two third of a piece)
4 tsp
雞粉  1 ½ tsp  (one and a half tsp)

1.      蘿蔔全部切絲,加油約一碗 (1 cup)4大塊薑 (3oz),燒熱後加蘿蔔絲,加片糖 (切碎),加塩 、雞粉 (分兩次加入),兜勻,煮至全部糖溶化及蘿蔔變軟,約二十分鐘。約蘿蔔太乾身可酌量加入水份。
2.      臘腸切幼粒與蝦米一同用五香粉炒熟
3.      將粘米粉分三份加入熟蘿蔔粉中搓勻,然加入臘腸、蝦米,搓勻。
4.      將糕盤用油揸勻,倒入糕漿蒸約90分鐘。可用筷子探入中心檢查是否熟透。

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